ft. Ip Yan Ching (@ipyanching)
The title of this post pretty much sums up my photo adventure with IYC last week - dazed, stupefied while being innocently chased by three famished dogs. Luckily, we're both safe and sound, blessed enough to be greeted by sunset with a little bit of running.
It's been way too long since my last blog post, and I still remember talking about shooting and posting more regularly in 2018. Having completed my first 9-5 full day job kind of internship (with two awesome colleagues), attempting filmmaking, getting another part-time job offer recently and being occupied with various activities, the past summer has been really productive and I could not have it another way.
That's a short update. 3 more posts are pending in my drafts and Lightroom(including part ii of this post since IYC is too photogenic), can't wait to complete editing them all ;P
Thank you for reading.
With love,